The Good Use of a Baseball Bat
Update 7/26/2013 : I included the scene in the second novel of the Dark Side Of Heaven series… This is an action scene I wanted to add in the first...
Update 7/26/2013 : I included the scene in the second novel of the Dark Side Of Heaven series… This is an action scene I wanted to add in the first...
The Wandering Jew is around, sometimes, although it’s difficult to know which side he’s on. He’s messenger, and a witness, mainly. Here’s a conversation at DSH after a few strong...
Sam, talking to a club’s regular patron “Fallen Angels aren’t demons. We didn’t follow Satan in his rebellion. We weren’t even planning on rebelling. We fell…in love. We met women....
So many things happen there. Meetings. Interrogations. Brainstorming. Even battles. When there is a desk, Sam tends to destroy it, because there is always an opportunity to get angry in...
It’s a hard life for a Fallen Angel : Sam has been laying low for a few millenia. He meets this girl. One thing leads to another, he has to...